
There is no streamer, even the most famous and experienced, who did not face the problem of finding the first viewers for their stream at the beginning of their career. Where to find them and how to retain the audience on Gad bet? Let’s figure out how to conduct broadcasts on the Gad bet streaming platform so that Internet users come to your streams and stay as your subscribers. What mistakes do young streamers make when promoting their channel? Why do viewers come but then leave? And how not to give up when faced with hate?
Attractive Content for Streaming
The first thing a beginner streamer on the Gad bet platform needs to determine is the choice of theme, direction, and format of the information that you will be broadcasting. The only correct solution is to tell and show what the streamer finds interesting. Don’t underestimate the audience – they will immediately feel the falseness. Only with their own love for the job, passion, and inner excitement can the streamer “infect” the viewer. And this is the most reliable way to success.
No matter what you do, the main condition is to have a deep understanding of what will be broadcast on the channel. You will have to interact with the viewer, and any mistake can be fatal.
If you are passionate about online games, there is a great risk of encountering a huge number of competitors. This is a mistake made by many beginner streamers: to start streaming highly popular games.
It may seem that top games are interesting to a large number of people, and therefore the audience will be interested in such a broadcast. But on the other hand, thousands of people stream them, and it is very easy for a newcomer to get lost in this mass.
It is generally very difficult for a newcomer to reach the top positions on streaming platforms from the start. So if you are just starting out, leave the most popular games for the future, the competition is too huge.
It’s better to pay attention to games that have already dropped in their ranking but still remain interesting to viewers. Conduct a few streams – and you will start to gain an audience.
It’s good to stream new releases that have just come out. Wait a couple of weeks until the leading streamers create excitement, and start your streams – the competition will not be so high, but the interest of the public will already be heated.
If you are streaming sporting competitions, announce it beforehand, for example, in groups dedicated to this sport. Sports fans are the most grateful viewers of betting streams.
If you have never streamed before, assess your strengths objectively. Not all streams have viewers from the first time. But if you manage to gather at least a small audience from the first time – a stream of viewers is guaranteed.
Of course, there are also lucky ones who have their first stream immediately hit the recommendations and take top positions. This happens if a person was able to intuitively guess the trend and get into the “top”.
There is one secret that allows you to make such a breakthrough. Pay close attention to Western streamers. Trends usually come from America to the Russian-speaking audience. If a game appeared there, which instantly rose to the top of the rating, do not wait. Make a stream while your Russian-speaking colleagues are rocking.
This will give you a chance to break ahead and get into the top lines in the section that attracts viewers the most. If you are lucky and became the first streamer of the game in the Russian-speaking segment, you can quickly become popular.
The next option to attract visitors to your channel is to test an absolutely new game online. To do this, you should contact the publisher, sign up for the beta test and get early access key.
With this option, you can expect a minimum of competition, and if the game is also interesting – you will get the maximum attention from viewers. Don’t forget to read the license agreement, because if the publisher has prohibited pre-game broadcasting, you can get a ban on the entire channel. At this point, it is worth paying the closest attention.
Remember that Gad bet is primarily a platform for streaming sports events, so the content should contain excitement, a competitive edge, and give viewers the opportunity to choose the winner of the stream honestly.
No matter what theme or direction you choose, the key to success is to enjoy what you are doing. Only then will the viewers be able to experience the same enjoyment.
Main mistakes of a beginner streamer
Why does one streamer become popular after a few streams, while another works hard, puts in a lot of effort, but remains unknown? Let’s discuss this topic.
The number of new streamers is growing every day, but most of them are unsuccessful attempts to promote their channel. And this has natural reasons. Young, enthusiastic streamers without experience are so eager to become popular that they completely forget that the content should be of high quality first and foremost. The belief that without significant investment and effort, one can achieve popularity and money on this venture quickly disappears and leads to disappointment. Streaming is hard work.
Main mistakes made by beginners include:
- Poor or weak equipment (resulting in blurry image, terrible sound, and stream crash);
- Rare irregular streams – the audience must always be warmed up;
- Lack of conversation and interaction in chats;
- A theme that is not interesting to the streamer;
- Disrespect towards the viewers;
- Streaming only for money.
If you have decided to take streaming seriously and broadcast your online game, you need to have the highest quality equipment. There is nothing more unpleasant for a viewer when a stream freezes, stutters, or crashes. Very few people will come back to watch such a stream. Therefore, high quality should not only be in the laptop, PC, console, microphone, camera, but also in the data transmission speed.
For the first streams, in order to gain viewers, you need to do everything to make your nickname remembered by as many people as possible. To do this, you need to stream as often as possible. If you stream rarely, the viewer will simply not be able to remember you. For the first time, transmissions should be conducted as frequently as possible so that you are seen and “get used to it.” Then your audience will grow. And don’t forget that each transmission, especially for a beginner, is an experience. Learn to stay in the frame, communicate with the audience, even if there are only two people. This will help you in the future.
Go beyond the virtual world. In any major city, you can find themed groups. No matter what you stream – gardening, gaming, sports competitions – always look for like-minded people. This will help create the foundation of your channel, give you first support from viewers. And if you also hold tournaments, you will definitely gain notoriety in a certain circle.
Working on mistakes is extremely important. Take it as a rule – while you are developing your channel, regularly review your stream. From the side, it is much easier to see the mistakes you make and correct them. This will help you improve your level, gain more viewers, and keep them on the channel.
Free ways to attract viewers to the stream
- Invite friends, acquaintances, and relatives to the stream. Streamers, starting to work in this field, often hide from their close ones their new hobby. This is understandable, as they are tormented by doubts. What if it doesn’t work out? What if I don’t look good on camera? But in fact, if you seriously decide to work, these doubts are unfounded. You have friends, family, or close people who can support you. Don’t be afraid to ask them to come to the stream, write a couple of messages in the chat, just support you. Even 10 minutes of support, two messages on social media and a few likes can do a lot to promote the channel. 2. Communicate with other streamers
- Visiting the streams of your competitors can teach you a lot. Be sure to do this. And don’t just observe from the sidelines, but actively communicate so that the streamer notices you. In a light conversation, you can also hint that you are also a streamer and have your own channel. Interested people will definitely take a look. Just don’t advertise yourself aggressively, spam links to your broadcast, and take subscribers away from the host of the stream. Observe ethics. If you have been communicating with other streamers for a long time, you can write to them in a private message or email and offer to exchange links. Don’t be afraid of rejection, it happens, but you have to try! 3. Try joint broadcasts
- Joint work with other young streamers can help you gain an audience and make the stream more lively and attractive. Offer other beginners to conduct joint broadcasts and share the audience with each other. To do this, find streamers who share your interests and stream on the same topic. Compile a list of the best and start simply communicating, establishing friendly relations. Only after some communication can you ask them about cooperation, joint broadcasts, raids, restreams, reposts, etc. 4. Mutual advertising
- Cross-advertising is a good and fast way to attract viewers to the stream. Having familiar streamers, you can start advertising each other’s online broadcasts in different social networks and more. 5. Advertising through social networks
- To attract the first viewers to your streams, be sure to create your pages on social networks, groups on Viber or Telegram, etc. This will help you gain the first viewers and remind subscribers once again about the time of the broadcast. Social networks work fast, attracting new audiences without investments, or with minimal financial investments. Gad bet allows you to quickly share the link to the stream through social networks.
Why are viewers leaving?
The biggest question that haunts many starting streamers is how to attract more viewers and retain an audience? Have you faced the situation where viewers come to the channel but don’t stay and don’t subscribe? What is causing this?
The answer is always on the surface. The viewer can forgive a lot. Both the stale game, the imperfect picture, and the poor sound quality. The only thing a viewer cannot forgive is boredom. If your streams are “dull” – very little will save the situation.
The Most Effective Ways to Promote
The process of promoting a channel can take some time, especially if you are a newcomer and have just created your account. Of course, you want to attract an audience and new viewers.
The quality of the stream, equipment, and choice of games have already been discussed. That the channel should be as useful as possible for users has also been mentioned. But no matter how much we talk about the quality of content, a newcomer still wants a “magic pill.” To get to the top at once!
And then they start using the services of special programs. To a greater extent, they are paid. The principle of their operation is the mechanical boosting of viewers on the channel or stream, which should attract new people. The video jumps into the Top, gains an audience, the broadcast becomes popular. It seems that everything is easy and simple, but uncontrolled boosting of broadcasts can lead to a deduction or blocking of the channel, which will destroy all your efforts to develop it. Is it worth risking?
Hate from viewers – good or evil?
You have found the first viewers for the stream, and immediately faced with hate? Congratulations! You are on the right track. Everyone who streams faces hate, without exception. You can cope with haters in two ways – either by simply ignoring them or by hiring moderators who will monitor order.
Do not turn the stream into a brawl, resort to direct insults, threats, or abuse. Bring everything to a joke, and remove the disturber of peace.